Tel: (503)804-3262

I am a clinical psychologist specializing in psychotherapy to assist clients in addressing any of a number of problems. Although I once was clinical director of a large clinic, I have downsized to a private practice. I engage mostly in telehealth and use a HIPPA-secure portal for therapists called Theralink. I have office hours on Fridays for face-to- face sessions or psychological evaluations. I obtained training in a number of community mental health and forensic settings, and have obtained a number of specialty certifications including trainings in grief counseling, EMDR and certification as a Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT). Prior to my foray into psychology in 1992, I worked at a number of interesting occupations. I originally applied and was accepted to dental school, but didn’t see that as a fit. At age 19, I had my own contractor’s license. I was a general contractor for years, and my first years of graduates school, I had a business exporting and building American-style houses in Japan. I have found that psychology is a good fit for me and I love watching people change, grow and transcend their problems.
My background includes originally going to Portland State University to get into dental school. I worked in construction on and off for years and during my time, had my construction contractor’s license, real estate license and was a certified home inspector. As I explored professions that might be more internally gratifying to me, three psychologists nudged me to consider joining their profession. I returned to Portland State University and obtained dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Psychology. I then went to Pacific University School of Professional Psychology, where I obtained my Masters in 1995 and my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 2000. Starting in 1993, I began working in a number of community mental health centers, chemical dependency clinics and forensic settings. Through my diverse experience base, I have developed expertise in addressing a number of challenges that people face.
On a personal note, I am a native Oregonian who has moved away several times and boomeranged back, I have lived in diverse places including Walla Walla, WA, Reno, NV and Amagasaki, Japan. I cherish time with my family and friends and enjoy sporting events and concerts regularly. As of this writing I am slated for a double knee replacement and so am limited in participating in my preferred activities of hiking, skiing and mountain biking. BK (Before knee) I was very active in these pursuits and have been an avid mountaineer since age fourteen. I am currently relegated to the stationary bike and rowing machine. I have traveled the world and most of the pictures on this website are from my travels. I am a volunteer for the Mankind Project (since 1998), Inside Circle and Providence Hospice Service’s Camp Erin.
Beyond the Couch: Dr. Thomas J. Brewer's Adventures Abroad
Click on the photo below to check out the slideshow.